Aeris's Contest Entry
By Aeris

	Aeris wandered around the beach, wondering what was going on. 
There was a group of people arguing loudly right by her, and the
shadows cast were ruining her tan.  "Will you guys shut up already?! 
I'm trying to get some sleep!"
	One of them, a green-blue-haired girl, shook her head loftily. 
"I'm not going to quit until those good-for-nothing authors do the
right thing and make me god of the SM:TMT world."
	The three other girls, authors, sweatdropped.  "I couldn't do
something like that!  My dear Starlights-samas would never forgive me!"
	"What would Dimando-sama think of me?" Michelle cried.
	"What would Chibi-Usa think..."  Meeshy drifted off as everyone
turned to stare at her.  "Uh, I meant, 'what would she think if we had
a really evil SM:TMT goddess replace her'."  
	"Well, then, that makes it easy.  I'll destroy it!"  Michiru
then began laughing evilly, the high-pitched noise grating on Aeris's
	"Oooh…  I've HAD it with you guys…"  She took up her staff and cast a
lightning spell.
	"What then… hey!!" Michelle shouted as a bolt of lightning narrowly
missed her.  The four hopped around, avoiding being zapped.
	"You'll pay for this!" Cheryl yelled as she vanished with her
	"Yeah, whatever.. let me sleep.."  With that, the brown-haired girl
turned away and took a nap.

	Meanwhile, back at Michiru's hideout, the senshi sat with Haruka,
plotting to overthrow the evil tyrant.  "She's controlled my life for
the last time!" Haruka declared.  
	"We girls shouldn't have to put up with her torment and extortion!
What do you say we go up and tell her that we're not going to take any
more of this!" Minako declared, raising support.  
	"We can do it!  If we combine our powers, and stand together, then
she can't stop us!" Rei agreed.
	"Fight!  Fight!" Makoto chanted.  The others sweatdropped.
	"Ano.. we're trying to this WITHOUT getting out butts kicked,
remember?" Ami reminded.
	"But-" Mako pouted.  "Aw, then this won't be any fun!"
	Everyone looked to their 'fearless leader', Usagi.  "Usagi?  What do
you say?"
	The blonde-haired girl mumbled something about doughnuts and resumed
her nap.  "Uh… that was a yes," Minako filled in, reassuring the
crowd.  "Now all we have to do is take our complaints to Michiru and
demand that she leave us alone!  Let's go!"  The senshi banded
together and started cheering, when suddenly a dark shadow passed
through the room.
	"I'm back!"  Michiru declared, storming into the room.  "You!  Get me
some tea.  You!  Polish the doorknobs.  You!  Dust the statues.  You! 
Grow me some roses!"
	The senshi, startled into submission, immediately fell into the
routine.  "Yes, Michiru-sama," they answered, following her orders.  
	"I need to find someone who's good at causing trouble… someone who
can repay that brat Aeris for stopping my plot to become goddess of
the SM:TMT world," she mused.  "You!" she shouted, pointing at Haruka,
"make sure there's enough green eggs and ham to sell for tomorrow!" 
Then Michiru returned to her planning.  "Hmm..  it needs to have a
special name so people will buy it..  Maybe something exotic.." 
Suddenly it fell into place.  "That's it!  The Amazon Trio!"  Michiru
picked up the telephone.
	"Hello?" a voice asked.
	"Hello, Fisheye," Michiru greeted.  "I have a debt to collect..."

	"You can't barge in here like that!" Cheryl pouted.  "It's not your
season yet!"
	"But don't we even get a turn?" The Amazon Trio pleaded.  "Otherwise
you might skip Super S entirely and we won't get a turn."
	"Uh..." Meeshy paused.  "They do have a point," she whispered to
Michelle.  "What if we DO skip them by accident..."
	"We can't let them be in the episode, though," Michelle explained. 
"If we let some of them through, then what can we say to the others..
CHERYL!" she shouted.
	"Huh?" she replied with an innocent look.  The author hid a bouquet
of flowers behind her back.
	"Don't tell me you let them through…" Michelle growled, frustrated.
	"Um… well, you see, they were being really polite.." 
	Meeshy sighed as Michelle malleted Cheryl back into space.  "I'll go
find them.."  She walked off towards the direction they had been
heading, which was a beach.  Suddenly there was a shrill scream of
outrage, mixed with an explosion of smoke and fire.
	Aeris was dripping wet, and empty pail and ice cubes around her. 
"You little creeps!" she shouted, frying everything in sight.  "Come
back here and I'll give you a real taste of ice water!"
	Michelle sweatdropped as she watched the scene around her.  "Why is
there ham and eggs lying all over the place?" she wondered to Meeshy.
	"Maybe they were having a barbecue or something...?"  Meeshy gingerly
poked a slab of ham with a stick.  "Hey... it's green..."
	"I think I know what it is," Michelle said, pointing to an
aqua-haired girl in a sundress above them.

	Michiru laughed evilly as she could feel the money flowing around
her.  "All this money... it's mine, mine, all mine... everyone will
buy green eggs and ham, and there's nothing but profit for me!  I'm a
	"You again," Aeris said, stepping up behind the profiteering senshi.
	"Ah.. who, me?  I have nothing to do with any of this.."  She
sweatdropped as Aeris dragged in the Amazon Trio, frozen in an ice
cube.  "Oh.  Them."
	"Yeah, these.."  The Trio looked like they were begging to be let
out.  Aeris glared at them, looking like she was going to drop them
into the ocean next.  "They ruined my tan!" she wailed, causing
everyone to sweatdrop.
	"*And* you were using her to cook your green eggs and ham for free,"
Meeshy announced, joining the crowd.
	Michiru backed away slowly with a bit of nervous laughter.  "Hey,
can't blame a girl for trying to make a little cash.."  Suddenly she
leapt away, leaving the angry crowd behind.  "Here's my parting gift
to you!" she cried, dropping a bag full of green eggs and ham upon them.
	"Ew!  Gross!"  Michiru laughed evilly as the authors and Aeris tried
to avoid the mess.  Unfortunately, she didn't see the horde of angry
senshi ahead of her.
	"Michiru!  Now we know the truth!  You can't control us any more!" 
The senshi leapt upon the surprised Michiru.. and began pulling
rolled-up pieces of paper from her pockets. 
	"I knew it!" Mercury exclaimed.  "My contract to pay off my debts
ended three weeks ago!"
	"And mine never said anything about polishing doorknobs!"
	Mars happily toasted her expired contract.  "We're free, free!"
	"Did you do this?" Aeris asked Michelle.
	"No.. Not that I can remember.."  Suddenly a familiar figure passed
by the fighting senshi and walked up to the authors.  "Don't tell me
YOU did this!"
	Cheryl sweatdropped.  "Well, you *did* mallet me into space, and I
landed in Michiru's house.  The senshi all thought they had to fufill
the contracts Michiru made with them to pay off their debts."
	"What did you tell them?" Meeshy asked.
	She shrugged.  "I told them that they probably worked it off already
and that Michiru probably was carrying the contracts around with her
so that they couldn't see it.  The rest of it was their idea."  She
sweatdropped.  "Don't you think you're being a little hard on them?"
she asked, eyeing the Amazon Trio.
	Aeris sniffed indignantly.  "They ruined my day, my tan, everything!"
	"It probably wasn't their idea.  Michiru probably made them do it.." 
They sweatdropped as the Amazon Trio's cries became louder as they
tried to agree.
	"Okay, okay.."  Aeris pointed at the giant ice cube with her staff,
and the cube shattered.
	"Thanks for your help here- but what are you doing in the SM:TMT
world?" Michelle demanded.  "I don't think you're from this place."
	She shrugged.  "I do a lot of travelling.  Besides that, I was
looking for a nice place to get a tan."
	"We might be able to help you with that.." Meeshy said.  The others
looked at her questioningly.

	Aeris sighed with contentment as the sun's rays bathed her in warm
light.  Tightening her earplugs, she smiled as a nice sea breeze
passed by her.  "This is the life.."
	"Why do *I* have to pay for her trip?!" Michiru demanded, her voice
getting shrill with anger.  "You're the authors!  Couldn't you at
least MAKE everything yourself?  You could just make the money.."  The
authors tightened their earplugs and walked away, ignoring the senshi
that was pestering them.  "You guys are so evil.."

Fin! @_@;;

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